Essential Skills for Equitable and Inclusive Educators (2-Session Series)


Cost: $175 per person

Audience: This live webinar series is appropriate for any education professional who has a vested interest in learning about equity and inclusivity in the school environment. All education professionals are invited to attend.

Attendance: Please note that your purchase provides you with a seat at the live webinar AND access to the recording of the live session for 30 days following the live event. Therefore, you may choose to participate live or use a self-study option via the recording. However, if you are looking for specific credit hours, please refer to the credentials section below.

Session 1: Understanding Implicit Bias and What to Do About It (Nov 22)

This workshop is designed to give participants an understanding of implicit bias and how our brains are wired to create mental shortcuts that have mostly positive impact on our lives. Participants will also learn about biases with negative impact that are reinforced unconsciously through literature, popular media, and other messages we receive. Participants will learn the language and tools needed to examine their own biases, consider how bias shows up at school, and learn proven strategies to reduce the impact of bias on our decision-making.

Session 2: Interrupting Microaggressions in Schools (Dec 13)

Implicit bias has a significant impact on organizational culture and climate. Left unchecked, implicit bias can leave people feeling unwelcome, excluded, misunderstood, and marginalized. In this workshop, participants will learn how implicit bias leads to microaggressions. Researcher Dr. Derald Wing Sue describes microaggressions as “everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership”. Participants will learn what microaggressions are, how they show up in the classroom and beyond, and what they can do to interrupt microaggressions in order to create a more welcoming and inclusive climate.

Credentials: This program is approved by the following agencies. Please read carefully to understand specific credit hours and attendance requirements.

  1. National Association of Social Workers (Approval #886795044-1986 & #886795044-5164).
  2. Live attendance required for 1.5 continuing education credit hours per session.
  3. New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work  (Approval #SW-0631)
  4. Live attendance or self-study option for 1.5 continuing education credit hours per session.
  5. National Association of School Psychologists (Approval #1155).
  6. Live attendance required for 1.5 continuing professional development hours per session.
  7. Behavior Analyst Certification Board (Approval #OP-21-0308).
  8. Live attendance or self-study option for 1.5 continuing education credit hours per session.
  9. National Board for Certified Counselors (ACEP #7680).
  10. Live attendance or self-study option for 2 continuing education credit hours.
  11. PD Monster, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7680. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. PD Monster, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
  12. PD Monster, LLC
  13. If the above certifications do not apply, we will provide you with a general certificate of completion.

Presenter: Jessy Molina, Molina Consulting
Jessy Molina is a nationally recognized trainer and facilitator on issues of diversity, equity, and social justice. Most recently, Jessy Molina served as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice at Friends School of Baltimore. She has supported people to connect with one another and make social change through her work with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in San Francisco, the John Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford, Quality Education as a Constitutional Right, and Welcoming America. Prior to working at Friends, Jessy served as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Garrison Forest School. An experienced facilitator, Jessy has trained thousands of people at nonprofits, companies, law firms, schools, colleges and universities, and other institutions to recognize and dismantle bias, develop the language and courage to discuss race, create equitable policies and practices, explore the intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality, gender identity, religion, culture and more, and begin building a more just world. Jessy has also developed a model of facilitated dialogue that builds understanding and connection between people and communities who are divided by tension, conflict, and misunderstanding. She has facilitated meaningful dialogue in communities across the country on race and racism, immigration, the criminal justice system, public and private education, policing, ethics and values, and more. Jessy also trains others to facilitate courageous conversations and equity seminars in their communities and serves as a mentor for trainers and facilitators in the Baltimore/Washington D.C region. Jessy graduated from Harvard College and Yale Law School and lives in Baltimore with her husband, Michael, and two children.

Purchase options are below. You may pay with a purchase order or online with a credit card. Please note that the per person cost applies to groups of 5 or fewer. If you have a larger group, please use the “Inquire about Group Training” button to receive a discounted rate for your team. 

All purchases are nonrefundable as you will get immediate access to the handouts in your account.

Please note that all registrations are non-refundable. Registration and payment options are below. You may pay online with a credit card or submit a purchase order. For groups of 5 or fewer, the standard per person rate applies.For groups of 6 or more, please use the inquiry button below to receive a group quote.


Essential Skills for Equitable and Inclusive Educators (2-Session Series)


  • I understand that registrations are nonrefundable.
    After submitting your information, you will receive a confirmation email with your conference details within 24 hours.