Educator Learning Series

A unique professional development option for the entire school staff!

Cost: The cost will be individualized for the size of your school or district to make it an affordable PD option for you. Use the Inquiry button at the bottom of this page to request your quote.

Description: Each of PD Monster’s four Educator Learning Series includes 8 online courses. Each course includes a short instructional video (20-30 minutes), downloadable  slides, and accompanying practice activities. Your purchase will grant you access to the materials for 10 months – the entire school year! The series are designed to watch TOGETHER as a whole school team, providing you an effective and efficient professional development option that will actually improve the daily practices of your staff!

Audience: The content of our courses is appropriate for all education professionals in any and every role. The courses are intended to be viewed by your entire school team so you can learn and grow together over the course of the school year.

Time Commitment: The run time of each course’s instructional video ranges from 20 to 30 minutes so that you can choose when they best fit into your schedule. We do suggest, however, committing more than just the time it takes to watch the videos to get the most out of this professional development experience. For example, you may choose to watch a video module together at a staff meeting and then ask teams to work on the reflection questions and practice activities together the following week at their common meeting time. When you purchase a series, we will share with you some more ideas about how to get the most out of this learning initiative.

Topics: See below for an overview of the content in our four Educator Learning Series. The series are not designed to be viewed in any particular order. You may choose the series that feels that most relevant for your staff at this time. Within each series, however, we do suggest you watch them in the correct module order as the skills build upon each other.

Overview of Courses for Series #1: DE-ESCALATION 

In this series, your staff will gain new understandings about student behavior and will learn a variety practical tools to employ more effective and efficient de-escalation techniques with students struggling with emotional and behavioral challenges. Many of the strategies shared will have a great impact on the school community if everyone learns and commits to using them. 

  • Module 1: Understanding the Escalation Cycle
  • Module 2: Understanding the Impact of Trauma
  • Module 3: Readying Yourself for De-escalation
  • Module 4: Becoming an Expert Co-regulator
  • Module 5: Avoiding Power Struggles
  • Module 6: Designing Consistent Response Protocols
  • Module 7: Implementing the Rule of One
  • Module 8: Leveraging the Concept of Privacy


Overview of Courses for Series #2: BEHAVIOR SCIENCE

In this series, your staff will gain insight into the science of human behavior and will learn why some of their past approaches to behavior management have not worked. Staff will learn a practical approach for designing strategies that are more likely to work to improve student behavior. This course brings behavior science down to a practical level so all staff can understand and use the concepts to help in their unique roles. 

  • Module 1: Understanding Behavior Science Principles
  • Module 2: Implementing a Practical Behavior Science Process
  • Module 3: Figuring Out Behavioral Functions
  • Module 4: Designing Prevention Strategies
  • Module 5: Designing Skill-Building Strategies
  • Module 6: Designing Effective Reinforcement Systems
  • Module 7: Designing Effective Response Protocols
  • Module 8: Measuring Behavioral Progress


Overview of Courses for Series #3: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT

In this series, your staff will learn a wide range of effective practices to prevent and manage behaviors in the classroom setting, allowing for fewer disruptions and more time for instruction. The strategies shared are appropriate for absolutely any grade level. We will help staff learn to differentiate the strategies for their unique population of students. Staff who complete this series and commit to using the new strategies will see a positive shift in their classroom culture. 

  • Module 1: Increasing Student Engagement
  • Module 2: Using Movement Effectively 
  • Module 3: Eliminating Common Disruptions
  • Module 4: Supporting Emotion Regulation
  • Module 5: Leveraging Classroom Jobs
  • Module 6: Implementing Effective Reinforcement Systems
  • Module 7: Implementing Logical Consequences
  • Module 8: Leveraging Relationship Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes


Overview of Courses for Series #4: MENTAL HEALTH

In this series, your staff will dramatically increase their awareness and understanding of student behavior through the lens of mental health. Staff will learn a variety of practical strategies that they can use to improve their daily interactions with students, resulting in more positive school experiences for students. Many of the strategies shared will have a great impact on the school community if everyone learns and commits to using them. 

  • Module 1: Prioritizing Staff Regulation and Self-Care
  • Module 2: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Behavior
  • Module 3: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Learning
  • Module 4: Implementing Practical Trauma-Informed Strategies
  • Module 5: Understanding and Supporting Anxiety & Depression
  • Module 6: Understanding and Supporting Emotion Regulation
  • Module 7: Understanding Attendance & Discipline in the Context of Mental Health
  • Module 8: Building Classroom Communities that Support Mental Health


Instructor: Mahri Wrightington, Ph.D.
Dr. Mahri Wrightington is the founder and CEO of PD Monster. She earned a doctorate in school psychology at the University of Connecticut and holds current Connecticut school certifications in school psychology and school administration. Having worked as a school psychologist, school administrator, and education consultant for the past 2+ decades, Dr. Wrightington has a wealth of knowledge to share with participants. Her training style is humorous, engaging, and practical. Dr. Wrightington is passionate about providing professional development that will have an immediate impact on the practices of the participants.

As your first step, use the Inquiry button below to request a quote for your team! 

Please note that all registrations are non-refundable. Registration and payment options are below. You may pay online with a credit card or submit a purchase order. For groups of 5 or fewer, the standard per person rate applies.For groups of 6 or more, please use the inquiry button below to receive a group quote.


Educator Learning Series

A unique professional development option for the entire school staff!

  • I understand that registrations are nonrefundable.
    After submitting your information, you will receive a confirmation email with your conference details within 24 hours.